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  • With Joy!

    Living our lives with joy! Soul Memory Discovery has helped me do this. Welcome! I hope you find something either in this website or in a session with me that helps you in your own life.

    I first learned about Soul Memory Discovery in 2000 when I met Ellen and Wayne Dosick at a get together in their home. Ellen described what she did, psychotherapy for the soul she called it. I was interested, but I watched her for a year. In Southern California there are many 'spiritual' people, selling their own brand which I've often noticed seemed to be much more about their personality than in honestly and humbly living in harmony with the spiritual nature of our world and lives. As I watched, I began to trust Ellen. She wasn't trying to set herself up as a guru. She was sincerely interested in helping others help themselves.

    So when the time came in September 2001 for me to reach out for spiritual guidance, I turned to Ellen. She scheduled a private Soul Memory Discovery session with me. In the days following the session, which lasted a couple of hours, I noticed the issues in my life that had baffled me began to clear up.

    Impressed, I asked Ellen if I could learn more about what she did in the session. She offered me two options: 1) A workshop called Opening To Your Soul, geared for people to use this process themselves, or 2) A series of workshops teaching people to become facilitators, so they could share this process with others.

    I decided to start with the simpler version: Opening To Your Soul. I left with a book of processes which I explored as I used them for issues in my life as they came up. When the next year's facilitator training came around, I decided to take that course as well. I've been studying with Ellen and practicing ever since.

    If you want to schedule a session with me, click here:

    With Joy!