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  • Soul Memory Discovery

    Soul Memory Discovery is a spiritual healing modality that enables us to access, identify, and release all those troubling issues that limit our lives, and keep us from the full expressions of our Essences and our Beings.

    Are You Hungry For Answers?

    Would you like a deeper, richer relationship with Spirit?
    Are you looking for ways to help yourself and others with personal healing?
    Would you love to support Earth and Humankind in this great Ascension Process?
    Are you longing for connection with a like-minded community?

    Our bodies hold memories of everything we have experienced in this lifetime. Likewise, our energy fields hold memories of everything that has ever happened to our souls. If we think of the soul as that eternal part of us that will go on long after we are done with these bodies, then we can imagine that our souls were probably doing something before they came into these bodies, as well.

    Sometimes the memories of our bodies and our souls create negative and limiting beliefs which manifest in our lives, causing us pain and distress.

    In a Soul Memory Discovery session, when we balance and co-create sacred space in a special way, we are able to access all those memory banks. And what is wonderful about this, is that we can then find the origins of any symptoms or any issues, be they:

    Interpersonal Relationships
    Past Life Experiences
    Destructive Life Patterns
    Physical Ailments
    Dissatisfaction with Work and Money
    Spiritual Alienation
    Spirit Attachments

    Once we find the origins of the issue, we use beautiful and sacred processes to lift those origins right out of our beings. And once the symptoms are no longer being sourced, they dry up and they go away. It is that simple.

    Of course, our souls also hold memories of all the contracts and agreements we have made over the course of many lifetimes. In a Soul Memory Discovery session, we can also access all of that information, and gain a deeper understanding of:

    Who we are
    Where we are originally from
    What we came here to do
    Who our Guides and Teachers are
    What our purpose and mission is here on Earth
    How to connect with our Higher Selves

    Soul Memory Discovery enables you to:

    Access the memories held by your body and your soul
    Identify the source of your emotional, physical, and spiritual pain
    Release those memories through a simple healing process
    And replace them with new, expanded beliefs, which immediately begin to manifest positively in your life

    How does it work?

    The Soul Memory Discovery process is what we would call, “sacred ritual.” Sacred ritual uses the power of language to effect change. Words, as we know, are extremely powerful, and have the capacity to do many things.

    The energies of special, sacred words, on their own, and in combination, can unlock and open portals to higher realms.

    Words can alter and transform time-space frameworks and change existing realities.

    Words can create whole new worlds.

    Sitting in the Light in a Soul Memory Discovery session, surrounded with the love of your Guides, moving energies and playing in the sacredness, is truly an awesome, humbling, and life-transforming experience.

    Why Soul Memory Discovery now?

    We are very blessed to be in body at this time. Every one of us here has spent lifetimes working toward the dream of a Conscious Humankind and a world at peace. That dream has the potential to come into reality in these times. Each of us is here because of the unique contributions we are able to make in our world. We are being called forward to stand in the fullness of our Essences, to be the largest versions of ourselves.

    We no longer have the luxury of carrying debilitating symptoms, which limit the expression of our GodSelves. And we no longer have the luxury of sitting in therapy for years, or even months, trying to heal ourselves.

    The time requires that we Be what we came here to Be, and that we Do what we came here to Do. Our world demands our full presence — NOW.

    Soul Memory Discovery is a great gift for us. It allows us to lift off limitation, and very quickly step into the fullness of our Truths — in life-affirming, grace-filled ways.

    Then, we can be what we truly came here to be — God’s partners in designing and co-creating a Garden of Eden here on this Earth.

    With Joy!

    Angels and Spiritual Guides

    During the session, part of which is conducted by phone, we ask your angels and spiritual guides permission to access information about you. From sacred space we ask your questions and then quietly listen for the answers. We may ask particular angels to help us, or we may be directed to make certain requests of your guides and angels to complete a particular process.

    Energy Healer and Distance Healing

    A Soul Memory Discovery session can happen either with both the facilitator and client in the same physical room, or at a distance. In the case of absent healing (where the distance energy healer is in one geographic location and the client is in another), the distant healing works just as well as in person. Sometimes better, as there are fewer distractions. The distant healer has an initial phone call with the client, then by themselves goes into a distance energy healing Soul Memory Discovery session, then has a follow up call back with the client to report on the session, provide answers to any questions asked by the client, complete any processes needed with the client, and provide any homework materials suggested in the session. Distance healers charge the same amount for either an in person or distance session.

    Joy of Manifestation and Spiritual Healings

    As with any healing methodology, there is no guarantee of any particular results. Please see the Testimonials page for feedback from my actual past clients to gain insight into their experiences of their Soul Memory Discovery distance sessions with me.

    Spiritual healers using the Soul Memory Discovery process do not do the healing themselves. They simply help you access answers from your higher self, your angels and guides. It's sometimes difficult to get clear information when we ask for ourselves. Even Soul Memory Discovery facilitators often ask each other for help in this regard. A spiritual healing is a gift, and a joy to assist in bringing about. We love our work helping you!

    Addictions, Loneliness, Grief, and Interpersonal Relationships

    Soul Memory Discovery clients have asked for help with addictions, emotional pain, feeling lost or stuck, to find calm in chaos, to find purpose in life, mission and purpose, to find ourselves, to focus energy, to deal with grief, hopelessness and despair, interpersonal relationships, loneliness, personal transformation, physical ailments, physical pain, ptsd, relationship issues, and spiritual pain among other issues.

    PTSD and Past Lives

    We find that clearing past traumas, some of which may have happened in childhood or a past life, can clear up issues in our current life. Even if you don't believe in reincarnation or life after death, it doesn't seem to matter. We ask your angels and spiritual guides what you need, we follow the instructions we're given, and most of the time things clear up. Sometimes it happens right away, and sometimes it takes time. Lightworkers, indigo children, and anyone who wants to change their life can benefit from this process which can affect our human psyche for the better. Louise Haye's work fits very well with what we do.

    We're often asked what is karma, and how does it relate to past life healing? When we ask our guides what were my past lives that are affecting me now, we have found our past life experiences have indeed affected patterns, trends, habits and circumstances in our lives. Past life clearing can change our lives for the better. Why continue carrying the burden of the past? Life is so much simpler, and it's so much easier to love when we're clear of these traumas from our past.

    Divine Feminine

    Masculine and feminine energies can become more harmonious and cooperative when old issues and habit patterns are cleared. This can focus either on feminine energy healing, or masculine energy healing. Balancing feminine and masculine within ourselves can also be useful.

    Indigo Child

    Indigo children have so much to offer. They're often sensitive people finding the best way to function in a world that doesn't match their awareness and sensibility. As we move closer to a world of compassion, being aware of each other and helping each other, their gifts will begin to make more sense to them, and their unique sense of equity will be a blessing to our world. Soul Memory Discovery can help indigo children clear issues to make their way easier, and provide shielding to protect them in this world.

    Animal Psychic: Psychic Reading and Energy Healing for Pets

    Our four legged family members give us so much. When they need our help it's sometimes difficult to understand their animal communication with us. A pet psychic reading is not intended to replace a visit to your local vet. Take care of physical issues in a physical way as much as possible. Sometimes it's not clear to the vet the cause of the issue, and sometimes in order to get to the cause there's an emotional or traumatic issue that a dog psychic, horse psychic, cat psychic or pet communicator can help you uncover. We love our pets and animal companions and want to be there for them. Sometimes a pet psychic can help.

    Love and Blessing

    How welcome is an answer to prayer?! Even when it's not the answer we were hoping for, there is a real blessing in at least having a sense of divine guidance. Compassion and generosity toward humankind is easier when we tune into our higher self. Dissatisfaction falls away as we focus on ways to enlightenment and our spiritual guidance. Heaven and earth come together in sacred space. We delight in manifestation of joy and get closer to world peace as we learn to play with our spiritual guides and our godself in love. Spiritual counseling to access our spiritual guidance can help us learn to find divine guidance and love more often.

    Finding a Soul Mate

    Loneliness is a real factor in happiness. Sometimes we can be lonely in a crowd, if we don't feel connected or like we belong. Sometimes that's just an inside job, or a matter of clearing old issues. But sometimes it's about finding our soulmate. While your guides will answer questions about your soul mate, most of my work is about helping you clear your own issues so when you meet your soul mate, you're ready with your best self, in order to honor the interpersonal relationship with integrity and love.

    Joy, Generosity, Compassion, Delight and World Peace

    Moving from 3D, a world of polarities, to 5D, where we are all one, is supported by clearing old energy patterns and releasing old issues. The client's initial complaint may be a realization they need to clear old habit patterns in order to move forward in their life. Soul Memory Discovery offers processes to clear karma, old patterns, chakra cording, and other factors which may be holding us back from fully living our life. Fifth dimension living attributes are more and more part of our daily lives as we respond to the pandemic, shelter at home, and explore new ways of being in the world. Old institutions and habits are being shattered on a global level. What we can do to respond is go within our hearts and find our inner peace. We can sense our connection to all other human beings no matter their beliefs and our differences. In that way we become the solution and find a way to surf the unknown through our own vibration as it helps and heals. In Gaia's circle of life, we follow our truth through our experience of the cosmos.